Monday, March 17, 2008

Mozilla ROXX>....

so then i downloaded Mozilla Firefox 3 beta 4.....I love Mozilla !!!
first of all i should explain why downloading a software for me is a big deal..
as i am living in a hostel.. i cant have a fixed phone so i connect using ma cellphone which has a real bad downloading speed..
please do not laugh :P as it comes in like max 3 kbs in the night and sometimes also in bytes!!
anyways,,i got it and its working awesomely well..
i have also used Firefox 3 beta 1.. it had some problems with the dowloading manager.. but seems they corrected$ the bugs..
such good is this that before closing the NetScape browser its chief advised people to shift to Firefox..not that many people were using NetScape that time..{i collected data}...
so i advise people to shift over to Firefox 3 as soon as it is more beta 5 is scheduled actually..

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