Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One more small contribution to Blogging!!! :)

well.. it seems long when i blogged last.. i dint get anything worth blogging.. just so interested in coding like i was never before!! seems free time makes a geek programmer!!lolz..
but this post.. i decided to NOT to write nything related to compz... but i still did it already!! stupid me..:(..
but its okie.. now i reliased ma mistake..
so now.. i have loads of free time which i am spending by watching HEROES and surfing..
well while surfing.. i am basically going through blogs of some people.. MAN!! what english people write these days!! a layman like me ll need extra free time to read them and "try" to understand!! lolzz..
so i am thinking of starting a new blog.. not alone. but in collaboration... dont have the time as well as resources as the only thing i know is like COMPUTERS!!
so ma new blog ll be up in sometime... have a partner in ma mind.. hope she agrees.. lease pray!!


Sonal garg said...

btw....hus dis gal u r talkin bout??? :p

yush.. said...

wel now u know?? [:P]... slesha. :)

For reference